Mounted police

Mounted police are police who patrol on horseback or camelback. They continue to serve in remote areas and in metropolitan areas where their day-to-day function may be picturesque or ceremonial, but they are also employed in crowd control because of their mobile mass and height advantage and increasingly in the UK for crime prevention and high visibility policing roles. The added height and visibility that the horses give their riders allow officers to observe a wider area, but it also allows people in the wider area to see the officers, which helps deter crime and helps people find officers when they need them. Mounted police may be employed for specialized ...

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mounted police


mounted police (collective noun)

  1. A unit of the civil police who are specifically trained to serve duty on horseback. Their duties can be ceremonial, or often for crowd control, and to police areas of difficult access or wilderness areas.

The above text is a snippet from Wiktionary: mounted police
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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