

  1. Attractiveness or charm in dress, appearance, or manner
    Without a diploma, he relies on spiff alone to climb the corporate ladder.
  2. A well-dressed man
  3. A bonus or other remuneration, given for reaching a sales goal or promoting the goods of a particular manufacturer. Originally from textile retailing, a percentage given for selling off surplus or out-of-fashion stock, of which the sales person could offer part as a discount to a customer.
  4. a hand-rolled marijuana cigarette; a joint


  1. (usually with up) to make spiffy (attractive, polished, or up-to-date)
    Our productivity would surely increase if we'd just spiff up this office a bit.
  2. to reward (a salesperson) with a spiff.
  3. to throw.
    I spiffed the turf over the edge and it went straight through the window and hit the officer.

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