
Tow Mater, or simply Mater, is a character in the 2006 animated Pixar film Cars and its sequel as well as the spin-off series Mater's Tall Tales. He is voiced by Larry the Cable Guy and inspired by a 1951 International Harvester tow truck. Originally portrayed as a sidekick and friend to Lightning McQueen, he had a breakout role in Cars Toons: Mater's Tall Tales and in other media related to Cars.

The above text is a snippet from Wikipedia: Mater (Cars)
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.



  1. <ref name="OED1"/> Mother.

Noun (etymology 2)

  1. <ref name="OED2"/> Someone or something that mates.

The above text is a snippet from Wiktionary: mater
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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